Good work ! This is the right way to develop a coin. Anime doesn't attract the attention of trolls and disrupters because the monetary incentive is not immediate.
Konnichiwa, Majormax, it's always so good to see you here.
Yes, things are walking the best way they can now. See, the ANI exchange rate today is 0.00000004 BTC (0.00002335 USD). It was about 0.00000002 BTC not very long ago. That's great, because that was a natural movement, not an artificially induced one.
There are still many people dumping ANIs, mostly the miners, and it is their RIGHT to do it, because they need to profit from their (very important) service. BTW, any cryptocurrency must give all the necessary support to miners, because they are the "lungs" of the currency (while the community is the 心). Both must work in tune. Now it's up to the community to be naturally creating buy support: more buy support, means better prices, which brings in more miners, resulting in a stronger currency.
Now, for the buy support to be sustainable, we need utilities for the currency. Simply hoarding it will, in the end, makes more bad than good to the true currency, because money NEEDS to circulate in order to be effective. That's basic. The more it is useful, and circulates, more value it will receive (that's what worries me most now about BTC and the altcoins in general... people are not willing to spend their BTC, they prefer to hold and wait it to skyrocket... IMHO the effects will be opposite...). Anyway, if money does not circulate well, then no merchant will be interested in it, you can be sure (that's why it is important that the coin be fairly widespread, it circulates more easily - with the advantage that it also prevents orchestrated pumps and dumps).
Another important detail: VALUE comes from the coin per se, it must not come from the eventual exchanges it might be traded on. While I always vote for ANI to be added to new exchanges, and I thank all those who do vote, actually I am pretty satisfied with the exchanges that already believe in our Animecoin, and already give us their support (see links here: They are very good exchanges, and I am very thankful to all of them. Of course, more exchanges means more safety, more exposure, more reach, more volume, more options, etc. But Animecoin value cannot depend on being included in some new exchange, because this kind of dependance is only pump-n-dump wise: it gives us no real value, but only unsustainable (and risky) price, good only for short-term profits, but maybe not so good in the long run. (We must always put our focus on the Animecoin objectives, and they are long term objectives - see
So, as long as I see the community working together for Animecoin, and I see progresses, I am satisfied, no matter the eventual price at the exchanges.
And I am very happy with our community, because, little by little, we are joining forces, and, although I would love to see the Dev also openly participating (no doubt it would give more trust and strenght to ANI), I know it's Ani-chan's right not to be here (in the open, because, who knows Ani-chan is not amongst us with a different nick, after all ). The Dev has his/her personal reasons not to be participating, and I am not here to judge anyone. (Satoshi Nakamoto is not openly active to BTC, and it has not been a problem at all...)
Thank you, my friend.
And, to Animecoin Community: 大好きだよ! ^^