First thing that comes to my mind: We urgently need to start a crowdfund for bounties. This is our natural step in order to be possible to afford for the works that we need be done (to pay for marketing, for Mintpal listing, or for an Android Animecoin Wallet App, for example).
Another important thing is to form a Comission: a group of people who will donate their work in benefit of the Animecoin Community.
I volunteer to be part of the Animecoin Commission. It's the least I could do in order to contribute for our Community to make progresses.
In relation to the croudfunding, I took the liberty to create these two addresses specifically to receive funds for our bounties crowdfunding:
Animecoin Community CrowdFunding
- Animecoin:
- Bitcoin:
All donations received in bitcoins will be exchanged into animecoins in order to be recorded at the register in
Whenever any payment is sent to one of those addresses, I request that the sender announces it here, making it public for our community, always informing the respective TxId. I'll keep a list of donations in our community at the Bitcoin Forum, and a backup copy here at the Animecoiner Blog